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No New Posts Face the Darkness

Here you can find the basic rules of the site. We ask that you read everything. I know it's a lot of reading but it will help us all get along. That way if you get into mischief you also can't say you didn't know.

6 6 egfewghtrhwr
by Tiger
Dec 14, 2011 14:05:22 GMT -5
No New Posts Questions, Comments, Concerns, and Answers

This would be the place to ask questions and get answers. Perhaps the rules aren't very clear, or you want something special in bio but your unclear whether or not its allowed you can ask any of those questions under this board.

Guest friendly

4 25 History
by Dream
Feb 6, 2010 21:48:29 GMT -5
No New Posts Our Clanmates

This is the place where you advertise your forum.Please post in the correct sub-board. I will not move the thread if you post in the the wrong board. I will simply delete it.

Proboards only.

Sub-boards: Linking Back, Member Sites, Guest sites, Affiliate

119 123 cry of te F A L L E N . lb
by Ellbons
Oct 10, 2019 5:28:09 GMT -5
No New Posts News

If there are any activity checks, updates that are not posted on the Updates side bar you should check here. Keep yourself updated especially if you are not on as much as others. You will also find plots here as well.

5 10 Updates
by Tiger
Feb 8, 2010 20:16:31 GMT -5

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Clan leaders

Most of the time staff boards are just for staff only to discuss important things. This board is for members as well. You can come here to request a war, if you have problems to sort out or if you have a question that you want only a staff member to answer.

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No New Posts Gather here for a clan meeting

This is where all activity checks will be held. If you do not post by the time the activity check ends your cats will be deleted UNLESS you posted on the leaving and introduction board.

by ☓Đeviousƒeather
Jan 31, 2010 20:04:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Pawprints in the sand

Welcome to forest of secrets. Now that you have joined post a little bit about yourself and leave your mark. Or you may wash away memories by posting a message if you are leaving us.

Sub-board: jkelrkgkraqekg

9 14 condemned apologies
by l_ovelies
Feb 19, 2010 0:37:29 GMT -5
No New Posts Requests

All cats diserve to love. Yes sometimes it may be against the code but if you find someone who is for you why not pursue them. Here you may request for your cat to have a mate whom you may stay with forever. Even in Starclan. This is also the place to request clan plots, and to get an apprentice or mentor.

2 11 Love Thread
by Dream
Feb 5, 2010 19:37:58 GMT -5

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Create

Here is where you create your cat for all of the clans. I hope you read the rules, although this board isn't password protected there is something in the rules that will ger your bio accepted.


Sub-boards: Windclan, Shadowclan, Riverclan, Thunderclan, Rogues and Loners, Strychaline Coven

8 8 Dolphins Swim In The Deep Blue Sea - I'm Not Done!
by ☓Đeviousƒeather
Feb 1, 2010 22:25:33 GMT -5
No New Posts Return home

You can see if your bio hase been accepted by an admin by searching through the sub-boards. However we will inform you through a PM if it has been accepted or not.

Sub-boards: Shadowclan, Windclan, Thunderclan, Riverclan, Strychaline Coven, Loners and Rogues

33 86 Stormsong-Deputy-DDDDONNNNNNEEEEE
by Dream
Feb 8, 2010 21:31:40 GMT -5
No New Posts The rankings

Would you like to see who is in your clan? Here you will find all the clan listings. This will include elders,apprentices,kits, your leader and much more.

4 4 ShadowClan Allegiances
by ~*~Blossom~*~
Jun 24, 2009 10:47:10 GMT -5
No New Posts Losing fatih

Sometimes cats grow old and die in battle, or sometimes you just want to start fresh and want to get rid of your cat. I sense the jealousy that someone might want this cat of yours. Place it here to give it up for adoption.

1 15 Family member Adoptions
by Dream
Feb 6, 2010 12:32:34 GMT -5

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Thunderclan camp

ThunderClan resides in the forest, sandwiched between RiverClan and ShadowClan on each side. They share very little territory borders with WindClan, and as such most of the trouble ThunderClan is forced to deal with originates either from RiverClan or ShadowClan. ThunderClan cats are accustomed to stalking through the thick underbrush of the forest, and are the sole users of the "hunter's crouch", a stalking technique used to hunt most forest-born prey. Their main diet includes mice, voles, squirrels, rabbits, thrushes, and magpies.

2 31 all the sinners and the saints.
by Dream
Feb 9, 2010 18:21:16 GMT -5
No New Posts Oak grove

The forest is a large place. You never may know what lurks around the next tree. This grove is one of the only places where the sunlight comes through, its a place of romance and relaxation.

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No New Posts Training hallow

This is a small sandy pit where Thunderclan apprentices work there hard to prove themselves to be warriors. On occasion small blood droplets stain the sandy floor.

1 7 We Must Know Of Secret Things{{((([[[OPEN]]])))}}
by Dream
Feb 13, 2010 19:03:52 GMT -5

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No New Posts Riverclan camp

RiverClan is a water-native Clan, known for the river that runs throughout their territory. RiverClan cats have the unique ability to swim efficiently in fast-moving water, and are generally among the only cats that possess the knowledge of fishing. Due to their main diet of fish, their pelts are typically silkier and glossier than most other Clans' which grants them increased mobility in water. Their prey also includes some aquatic mammals such as water voles. RiverClan often have border disputes with ThunderClan over the Sunningrocks, a section of land on ThunderClan's side of the river that ThunderClan claimed from them a long time ago (it was formerly an island). They are not openly hostile, but can be prone to ally themselves with potentially hostile Clans (namely ShadowClan). The reason for this is usually based on the rationale of relative strength; RiverClan's leaders tend to think that joining a powerful adversary instead of standing against them is more beneficial for their Clan in the long run.

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No New Posts Reed bed

This area is on the boarder of Shadowclan. It has a swamp like feel, mud, and swamp flowers and the occasional frogs and toads. This is the training area for Riverclan.

1 1 i've started thinking O U T L O U D !
by l_ovelies
Jan 31, 2010 20:39:52 GMT -5
No New Posts River

This large river surrounds the clan. They are very well protected and don't face many problems. They have plenty of fish and water voles. This is the place apprentices learn to swim but it is also a popular place for hunting and relaxing.

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No New Posts Windclan Camp

WindClan cats live on a territory located on the open moors in the plains north of the forest. As such, WindClan cats are known for their speed and endurance, a skill that is imperative for hunting their main source of prey, rabbits. WindClan are forced to deal with attacks from both ShadowClan and RiverClan , as they are usually seen as being the weakest clan. As a result, WindClan often allies itself with ThunderClan, a recurring relationship that has further repercussions in later series.

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No New Posts Moor lands

The grass is tall,the wind is nice, and the air is stale and warm. You can see beyond the clans. There is a mountain in the distance that holds mysteries beyong ones imagination.

1 7 tomorrow you'll be world's away...
by l_ovelies
Feb 21, 2010 15:34:30 GMT -5
No New Posts Brambles

A sharp, thorny mass of brambles that lie on the mostly open moorlands that Windclan calls home. Cats come here to practice their hunting and stalking skills but most avoid it due to the sharp, stinging bramble thorns that make a habit of stabbing cats that get caught in their tangled mass. However, this is a favorite place of the kits that decide to escape the camp to explore their territory. They are small enough to fit beneath the brambles and play without being stabbed. This is the first place that cats come to find the kits though it isn't easy to get the kits to come out without getting yourself stabbed and pricked by the angry thorns.

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No New Posts Shadowclan Camp

ShadowClan territory is mainly in a giant collection of swamps and bogs covered in thick pine trees, giving the area a dark and gloomy feel. ShadowClan cats are skilled at hunting and navigating in near-complete darkness, because the night is when their main sources of prey are active. Along with lizards, frogs, and small forest animals such as voles, ShadowClan also occasionally catch rats who reside in the nearby Carrionplace (garbage dump); however, they must be careful when eating these rats as they occasionally carry harmful diseases. ShadowClan are often depicted as the primary antagonists , and as such many of their individual members are rude and hostile. However, many ShadowClan cats are completely and blindly devoted to their leader; since a number of ShadowClan's leaders have been truly villainous, the actions of their followers have expectedly followed suit.

2 13 I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
by Dream
Feb 2, 2010 18:03:39 GMT -5
No New Posts Swamp

This wet, marshy land lies near the Shadowclan camp. It isn't a very pleasant smelling place but prey is abundant here. This wet, muddy place is one of Shadowclan's main hunting grounds. Frogs and lizzards are easily found here and they make up part of the prey that Shadowclan cats eat. The other clans find this extremely unappetizing.

1 9 The Hunt
by Dream
Jan 31, 2010 22:37:36 GMT -5

&& Rogue lands

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No New Posts Junkyard

In this large area is where many Rogue cats call "home". There are huge piles of discarded objects from fridges to huge cars. Many of these cars have open windows or broken doors that make perfect dens in this garbage jungle. It is a muck with rats and mice, which are perfect prey items. It is very easy to get lost in if you are an outsider, so be careful. If you come into this territory you most likely WILL be attacked or at least found by the Rogues, and they don't take kindly to trespassers. This is split territory shared by the coven elite and Rougeclan. Some historic battles were fought here.

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No New Posts Swamps

Its not very pretty. Mud rises up to the muzzle of cats here. Its what helps them blend into their backrounds. You find lovely swamp flowers and venus fly traps, remember don't touch. While the land scape may seem monsterous, it actually is a great asset to the Rouges. Providing them with shelter and a means of hunting when absolutely nessecary.

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No New Posts Strychaline Coven

Have you ever wondered what lied beyond the swamps past shadowclan's territory? A mysterious ban of cats has been lurking around sticking beside there leader. They are stronger then the clans, much stronger. They have always talked about using their power for evil, is this only a rumor? There clan camp is a large sandpit. Around it are large brambles with thick ruby thorns. Outside the camp are stinky swamp flowers they don't fear intruders. They feed on toads, rats,magpies,frogs and mice.

1 1 Strychaline Listings
by Tiger
Jan 23, 2010 13:50:37 GMT -5
No New Posts Forest

Just outside of the clans continues the sprawl of the forest. Here in uncharted lands, loners and rogues live in a manor such as Thunderclan or Riverclan cats might. Fishing and hunting the same prey. Just a mere line of scent between the two, and a world of difference.

1 8 dreaming of oceans while jumping in puddles
by Scarheart321
Feb 12, 2010 12:07:59 GMT -5

&&Holy lands

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Starclan

StarClan is made up of the spirit cats that have died from the four Clans of the Forest. StarClan cats live in their own forest in their after-life. They leave starry paw prints, and their pelts glow with a pale light, which makes them look like they have stars in their fur. StarClan is sometimes referred to as the "fifth Clan" of the forest. They watch over the Clans from the sky and sent prophesies to warn of impending danger. At every half-moon the medicine cats of each Clan go to their "sacred place" (Moonstone or Moonpool) to speak with StarClan and receive advice about the future. When a new leader is appointed, StarClan gives them their nine lives and replaces the latter half of their name with "star". The cats of StarClan have either earned their place in their former Clans many times over or died while too young or innocent. As such they have been granted supernatural powers that only very few cats (eg. Jayfeather) have in the corporeal world. These include but are not limited to telepathy and empathy (the ability to read minds and emotions),precognition (the ability to foresee the future) and astral/dream projection (the ability to put oneself in another plane i.e. the real world or the dream word).

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No New Posts Dark Forest

Everyone thought that when a cat was to do it would do so peacefully and go to the great clan of the stars. However thats those of pure souls. Where do the great cats of evils go when they die? The Dark Forest is where the cats of darkness go when they die. However darkness never dies...

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No New Posts Moonpool

For a cat to share tongues with StarClan, they must lie down and lap the water and then they fall asleep, and dream about their warrior ancestors. Leaders go when they are going to be made leader, or when they want to ask StarClan for guidance. Medicine cats go once every half-moon. The Moonpool is located through WindClan territory. Cats follow the river to the northeast corner of the Clans' territory.

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No New Posts Pine Island

The outer edge of the island is formed by a dense wall of brush. At the end of the tree-bridge a small path leads through the bushes and into the center clearing, which is dominated by a huge tree. Clan leaders sit on the low branches of this tree when addressing cats at the Gathering. Deputies sit in the large knarled roots at the base of the tree. Twolegs call it Little Pine Island.

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